
Of Mice And Men Quote Analysis

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Steinbeck wrote about many different characters who are full of dreams which sadly none of their dreams came true. Everyone has a big dream that would like to accomplish one day but sometimes , when we get lonely our dreams don’t come true. Through these characters John Steinbeck shows the effects about true loneliness. George is one of people in the ranch that had big goals to achieve, but he couldn’t accomplish any of them because of Lennie. George taking care of Lennie affects his dreams in a big way because every time George gets closer to his dreams Lennie completely ruins it. In the story it states George saying “ dumb bastard likes to touch everything he likes”(steinbeck 41). This is very important because this shows how childish lennie acts. The most important thing to him was to have dreams to have a farm and his own place with Lennie. This quote “ we got a future “ (Pg . 14) shows that he had a dream worth living for. Another way George had gotten his dreams taken away was when Lennie killed their boss’s wife. I know that George was a very lonely person because in the story he talks about guys like him in the ranch . “ guys like us , that work on a ranch are the loneliest guys in the world” (Pg . 13). This is very important because it shows his feelings towards being lonely. …show more content…

“ I tell yah a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick” (pg.73). This is a very important quote because it shows how lonely he feels. This is also a very good point because he was the only one in “Of Mice and Men” that admitted he was lonely. Crooks didn’t have a dream at all until Lennie and George appeared and gave him the idea of owning acres of land and a farm , “i’d come and lend a hand “ (Pg . 76) . This is very important because this shows how Crooks wanted to help out and join them. Sadly Crooks dream had gone down the drain

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