
Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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Picking up the book “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck holds a different feel then putting it down. Leaving the reader pondering the true theme of the story. A tale among two friends is the mindset most would assume before reading the book but digging deeper you start to realize the dark truth. The story starts with both Lenny who’s large and unaware of his own true strength and George who’s skinny and quick witted. The tale takes both characters and presents them with challenges. Lennie has a mild mental disability which often leads both of them into a lot of trouble. While George must take care of Lennie and always get him out of trouble. Two characters who travel together would be envisioned to be best pals but what awaits them is a rude awakening, George says “Lennie just come along with me out workin '. Got kinda used to each other after a little while” (Steinbeck 3.12). However the story dives deeper than just Lennie and George after leaving a town called Weeds because Lennie was accused of rape. The two were forced to run away which lead them to a ranch where they meet a character named Candy. Candy is an old aging handyman who lost his hand due to an accident. The life on a farm is hard and it is represented through Candy, he says “"A guy on a ranch don 't never listen nor he don 't ask no questions" (Steinbeck 2.67). The isolation he is put through often makes him feel hopeless. The only hopes Candy had was in his dog and in the dreams of getting paradise with

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