
Nursing: Approaches To A Good Care Plan

Good Essays

Approaches to Nursing
In this essay I will be discussing the processes which contribute to what I think “a good care plan” is. I will be writing about what I’ve seen in practice and what we used in our care plan in our poster presentation.
A good care plan according to NHS (2014), is a plan made to help provide you with support and outline all your needs and goals to help provide support to make sure these are all met. The care plan should consist of any health and social care support will be included to help the service user recover (NHS 2015).The service user who is being care planned for should be fully involved in the care planning process and any decisions made to help encourage independence (Health foundation 2013). It should be created …show more content…

We created a fictional character who was a 30 year old female with a supportive partner and a young daughter. She was suffering from depression which started round about when her daughter was 4 months old. She had taken over 3 impulsive overdoes in the past, of medication she had been storing away. This was her 4th admission to a hospital inpatient unit and we helped create a care plan we felt would provide the best possible care for her. We first decided to use the Orem model (1991) of self-care as the model is all about caring for yourself which our patient is capable of doing when better mentally. We used the model to help create goals for the patient so she could focus on meeting these goals independently and meet her needs. We also used the actives of living model (1983), to help the service user with encouragement to look at her routine and day to day activities and see how she can be supported by interventions and support from the team to improve her day to day life. We used this model as there were some concerns about the patient’s wellbeing due to her lack of oral intake and sleeping. We used the care plan to show how we would refer to a dietician and look at putting the patient on a fluid and diet intake chart. We also looked at sleep hygiene and provided the patient with advice and information on how to get better night’s sleep. In our care plan we decided to …show more content…

It was the first time I had seen a care plan lay out like this with a formulation that talked all about the patient and their likes and dislikes and what they are like a person. I felt this was a good example of person centred practice as every care plan was different and by reading the plan you got to know more about the patient as a person and you got more of an idea of how to care for them. It gave a clear outline of what the patient’s wishes were, the levels of interventions and support needed and their hobbies and interests. I felt this care plan was very personal and gave you an insight into what a typical day was like from their point of view (Alzheimer’s society 2015). The care plan included how to support the person best throughout the day such as how to get the ready for the morning and how to support the best to have a good day. I thought this was a good care plan for me, as I had never worked with the patients before and by reading their care plans I got more of an idea of how to provide the best possible support and what not to do when caring for the patient. I was unsure what model was used in the care plan but from learning on the course I believe it was APIE model. I think using the models gives more of a structure to nursing and gives the nurses a plan of what care to

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