
Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

Decent Essays

When I first learned that the second unit would be about writing in different genres I was totally confused. What did this mean? Would I be doing different writings of mystery, romance or science fiction? That was my only small narrow view of what a genre is. I have now come to learn that a genre is not only simply whether something is fiction or nonfiction but a genre is different types of writing from a recipe to a resume. I have come to learn that there are so many different types of genres all unique in their own respect and all written from a different perspective. For each assignment that we did my composing process was a little different. The process of composing the genre bending assignment began with my idea of a nutrition label. At first I decided that I wanted to do a parody on nutrition labels to comment on how unreliable and misleading some of them could be. Later that night I was watching the Presidential Debate and thought that it would be funnier to make a Donald Trump nutrition label. I used a templet of a real nutrition label and added in different qualities of Donald Trump. My composing process for the essay on photography differed greatly. I began by brainstorming my different connections to photography that related to something Sontag commented on. After I was finished I was inspired to write about …show more content…

There was so much room for creativity and there were so many different genres to choose from. I could be funny and entertain my potential audience. I was also creative writing about photography because it was about my personal experience and I got to use my own voice while writing. For the photo exhibition, even though it was difficult I feel as though I still got to be creative in describing and interpreting the pictures. The assignment that I felt lacked the most creativity was the book abstract because I was just writing statements of what the aerial photography book was

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