
Night Of The Living Dead Analysis

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Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968) is a movie that contains a large amount of historical significance. This movie is well known for its incredible relevance to the year that it was released. The movie has been described as “A Newsreel of 1968”, and there is ample reason to make that statement. The year 1968 was a very tumultuous period in American history that saw a great deal of violence overseas and in the United States itself. There were many history altering events that took place during 1968, which would all serve to rile up and instill fear and anger in the American people. 1968 saw the latest presidential election in which there was great division amongst the parties, and was the election in which Robert Kennedy was assassinated. Not only did that year see the assassination of another Kennedy, but it also bore witness to the assassination of the most prominent civil rights leader of the time, Martin Luther King Jr. With these tragedies a war in Vietnam raged which had riled much of the country into protest, especially young people.
All of these terrible things that were happening in 1968 can be found symbolically in Night of the Living Dead. One instance of symbolism that could easily be taken to reference both the assassinations of Kennedy and King would be at the very end of the movie, in which, a roaming band of citizens attempting to destroy the dead shoot and kill the character Ben. It is a murder of the most important and hardworking character in the

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