
Nf1 Research Paper

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There are many symptoms of NF1 such as, Neurofibromas that are common tumors in NF that develop on or just under the skin but can appear deeper in the body, also neurofibromas are composed of nervous system tissue and fibrous tissue. However lisch nodules are clumps of pigment in the iris, and can confirm a case of NF. Most serious symptoms of NF are shown at birth or early in life, one of these symptoms is known as scoliosis. Scoliosis is curvature of the spine. Often children with NF also have learning disabilities that impact writing and use of numbers as well as having increased head circumference which on a rare case can cause hydrocephalus which can be a serious problem (Martin 1). (Martin,1) Symptoms such as café-au-lait spots, freckling and Lisch nodules pose minimal or no health risk to a person, But people with NF2 can get tumors that grow on the vestibular nerves and eighth cranial nerves. though much research has gone into it there is currently no cure for either NF1 or NF2. Neither NF1 or NF2 is contagious instead NF occurs by either inheriting it from parents or is a result of gene mutation but,if mom/dad of a child has NF there is a 50/50 chance that the child will …show more content…

Some nf1 tumors can become cancerous, treatment includes surgery radiation or chemotherapy, however for nf2 advanced diagnostic technologies such as mri can show tumors when the are as small as a few millimeters allowing early treatment. some cases of nf1 can cause cosmetic and psychological issues.

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