
News and Analysis: Stephen Strasburg Shutdown

Decent Essays

News and Analysis Paper 1
Socio 19109
Devon Jones
The Washington Post news article, “Stephen Strasburg Shutdown” discussed the Washington nationals decision that manager mike Rizzo made prior to the season start to shut down the former number 1 pick, there ace Stephen Strasburg after he reached the 160 innings pitch mark no matter where they were in the postseason race, they were shutting him down for the remainder of the season. This created controversy around the sports world for the whole year of 2012 and is still being talked about on sports talk shows today. The nationals finished the regular season with the best record in the major leagues and a lot of that success was because of #37. He carried the pitching staff all …show more content…

Qualitative research plays a huge role in this article because of Rizzo’s decision making this season. This method explains Rizzo’s decision and makes him look a little better than the people persuaded him. He did this simply for security for the future, which makes total sense but most fans live for the now and professional baseball managers have to worry about winning now, but also later in the future and in the nationals situation setting an inning limit on Strasburg was the smart thing to do. Positivism is based simply the truth, facts and former experience. Rizzo before managing the nationals was the Chicago cubs manager in the early 2000’s when they drafted back to back top pitching prospects Kerry Wood and Mark Prior who were both hobbled with arm injuries early in their career and Rizzo did not put an inning limit on them. That decision turned out to be terribly wrong and resulted in more and more season ending injuries for Wood and prior who now don’t even play in the major leagues. Rizzo’s past bad experiences helped him make this decision. With all due respect to the fans of the nationals which includes myself, Rizzo’s decision wasn’t smart for the now, but we will all be thanking him in the future when Strasburg’s is carrying the Nationals to many Championships in the future. At first I questioned the decision thinking that the Nats had a chance this year to win it all, well the

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