
Naturopathic Physician

Decent Essays

After I graduate from NUNM, I want to work as a primary health care professional in my own clinic in a rural or underserved area. As a Naturopathic Physician, I will be trained as a primary health care physician, which will allow me to have a direct influence in the management of their health. However, not everyone is able to receive care from a primary physician because the nation is currently experiencing a shortage of physicians. With the training I receive to get my ND degree, I will be in a position where I can serve those who do not receive the care they need because they lack access to primary physicians. Ideally, I will open my clinic in a rural area, where few health professionals work but health care services are needed. While these …show more content…

A majority of the states do not currently have licensure, and there are no national licensure laws either. I grew up and live in Wisconsin, which is currently not a licensure state, but I know many people here who would rather use a Naturopathic Physician as their primary physician rather than a conventional physician. However, with the current laws, a Naturopathic Physician cannot be a primary physician. There are still many wonderful Naturopaths working in Wisconsin, and I see one of those Physicians. However, they are limited in their scope of practice because they do not have licensure, and in most cases have to work under a licensed health professional, which means they do not have the complete autonomy that they deserve. This can make it hard to treat patients who need certain treatments. In addition, they are often blocked from using certain modalities that would help the patient because they are not licensed to use that modality. When Naturopathic Physicians are not allowed to treat patients to the furthest extent of their abilities, the patients lose. It is important that patients throughout the US have the opportunity to receive Naturopathic treatment if that is what they want. The fight to gain licensure rights in all states, or a federal law granting licensure, is an important goal that we all must work for. I think it will be important for me as a Naturopathic Physician to have my voice heard within the government to get Naturopathic licensure

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