
Naomi Stanford's Leading Innovation Papers

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Leading Innovation Papers
Paper #1: The first paper is an analysis and my thoughts on the reading by Naomi Stanford titled Guide to organization design: Creating high-performing and adaptable enterprises. She presented three organizational theories of which I found the complexity theories and their associated structures to be the most interesting. In this paper, I focus on the Life-Form structure and a recent program management organization that seems to fit this model. The Life-Form structure is true to its name in that it seems to be comparing the characteristics of this organizational structure to those of a life form “with the capability to think and be in the world.” Stanford gives four specific characteristics of this organizational structure of which I would like to expand upon two of them: Life-Form structures “continuously recreate themselves” and “learn to tap into a larger field to guide them toward what is healthy for the whole.” …show more content…

Unique user requirements are met but because one organization maintains the software baseline, the coalition or the whole benefit from each contribution. The genius of this organization is that it is available for those who want to seek their solution through this agency versus being mandated to participate. As a result, the program office is incentivized to deliver on their user’s requirements as a small percentage of the funding is used to maintain the overhead and needs of the program office. The competitive marketplace environment and this Life-Form organizational structure seem like a huge potential in the Department of Defense to motivate and breed a culture where innovations would be rewarded much more than the current structure and

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