
Myers Briggs Personality Type Pros/Cons Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment #4 - Myers Briggs Personality Type Pros/Cons During the power point on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, as the instructor went through the different types of personalities, I was able to recognize which subcategories I fall into almost instantly. When my computer personality test results were returned, I was correct. As I read the type descriptions of Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging- ENFJ- I quickly recognized myself within the descriptive words. The first subset of my personality is Extraversion, as opposed to Introversion. As an extrovert, I would describe myself as social, external and gregarious. This characteristic helps me communicate and reach out to others. However, there are cons that go along …show more content…

When I have things to do, making lists is the first thing I do before going to work. I am firm and resolved in my opinions and certainly hate surprises, all of these things are characteristics of Judgers. ENFJs are described as warm, compassionate, and supportive, as well as loyal and trustworthy. These are all words that I would describe myself as, my most important characteristic being my loyalty in friendship. My type description also proclaims that I am “highly attuned to others; their empathy enables [me] to quickly understand emotional needs, motivations, and concerns.” No other description of me could be truer. My whole life, I have been quickly able to understand others, and even know that they are upset before they tell me so. Another handout describes ENFJs as having an intense caring about people. The strengths of being an ENFJ as well as a leader include a strong sense of commitment that ENFJs have. As an ENFJ, I am extremely aware of the commitments I make and the effort I put in order to follow through with them. ENFJs are incredibly skilled communicators. This could not be more true for me, as I am incredibly persuasive and able to articulate my thoughts well out loud. ENFJs are often creative people, and I fall into this category as well, as I am an extremely motivated artist and painter. As an ENFJ, I have an incredible sense of understanding others and making sure the needs of my subordinates are happy.

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