
Muslim Gropups and Terrorism

Decent Essays

Since the 9/11 attack in the United States, the term “terrorism” and “terrorists” are often synonymous to several Muslim groups bent on taking revenge against the most powerful and influential countries today. Most of the attacks of terrorists are often suicidal such as suicide bombings, kidnapping and armed conflict against the military. Most reports and first-hand accounts state that these terrorists are doing this “holy war” against the world because they wish to cleanse the world of its evil and create order. But many disagree with this claim as they are killing innocent people while doing this holy war against those with power. Civilians often question why terrorism happens and when would this reign of terror end? There are many …show more content…

Most terrorists fight because the developed countries have forsaken them to have a comfortable living and quality services as the resources they could have used to improve their lifestyle have been taken for granted by these developed countries. Instead of paying these countries back for these resources, replacing them or granting them a piece of technology and update, these developed countries do not even do any of these as their sign of thanks. To terrorists, this is just one way they can get their rights back for their own resources. Another reason terrorism exists and happens because of the difference in idealism of both the international community and these rebels has over important events and issues. As they conflict regarding these ideals, many are stuck in between the crossfire. The article pointed that even though the international community can solve the problem of developing countries with regards to their way of life and other important needs of the country, they must also understand that their donations to the country must not be generalized. (Krueger and Maleckova) Dealing with the problem caused by terrorism is still an on-going process for the international community as there does not seem to be a compromised solution to the problem for all the actors involved in the problem. On a report written for the US Congress, there are several methods on how the international community and the US government are trying to combat terrorism and

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