
Music Therapy And Its Effects

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Following the developing of social sciences, everybody has started to get concerned about the issue if music is good for healthy body and mental recently. This phenomenon makes the music therapy becomes popular. Music therapy is defined as “ the therapeutic use of music as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music “ in the In other words, through the activity of music people can improve physical or psychological disease that achieves cure and health. For many centuries, music has been applied as a therapeutic tool and effected some disease treatment of methods. In 18 century, the idea of music as a therapy that showed the article in Columbian Magazine titled ” Music Physically Considered. ” In 19 century, many psychiatrist started to use the music to cure disease and even experiment it to their patients. In 20 century, especially after World War I and World War II, throughout apply the music therapy for the veterans suffering both physical and emotional injury from the war. Music extremely effective solve the variety of diseases, for example, depression, during pregnancy, and dementia. Nowadays, music therapy extends to application in hospital or school of disability children. In the end, the professional organization was established that increased the

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