
Conventions Of An Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Even though this was our class’ first speech, not only did everyone bring exciting topics to discuss, but we were also able to effectively use the conventions of an informative speech. Not everything was perfect yet, as there are still some tweaks or improvements that can be made as we strive to better our public speaking skills. Taking a look at the speeches by Mariapia, Elizabeth, and Ashley I will evaluate their speeches for effective openings, notable transitions, and other achievements in their organization or delivery. In doing so, I will assess the success and potential shortcomings of each speaker in their informative speech, before reflecting on my own speech, in order for the speakers and myself to reflect on our public speaking skills …show more content…

This opening succeeds in getting the audience to question their own experiences and preset beliefs of what we think a third world country would be like, allowing Mariapia to be able to prove her point that life in a city in Columbia is actually rich with culture and things to do. Mariapia transitions out of her opening by continuing her personal story of her time in Columbia. Her speech is set up to be a chronological description of her trip to Columbia, and thus, she used time transitions words such as next, to move us along to each new or interesting thing she visited. This has the effect of creating a narrative for her informative speech which is actually perfect in this case because she is attempting to show us how interesting and beautiful Columbia is to visit through her own personal experiences there. Another element of her speech that was noteworthy was the vivid detail with which Mariapia was able to describe the landscape and the town that she visited. She is able to effectively paint a clear picture in the minds of the audience of what Columbia looks like from the airport to the town she was at, which makes the audience more likely to be interested by the content of the speech. I believe that if she was not as descriptive that it would have taken away from the speech in that the audience would not have confidence in Mariapia …show more content…

For Mariapia, she effectively used a personal anecdote for her whole speech which made sense because she was basically trying to prove to the audience that Columbia is an exciting and beautiful place to visit. In Elizabeth’s case she described how a food critic tastes food and then gives the audience their own chance to be a food taster which makes the speech much more memorable to the audience. Lastly, Ashley emphasized the need to find the cure for cancer by using a witty analogy of a tree with roots that are bad to talk about the causes of cancer. I honestly felt that these were three of the better informative speeches because of these aspects and techniques the speakers used. Personally, I felt prepared for the speech and I was definitely comfortable and ready to perform, but I think that I could have practiced my speech in front of a small audience maybe one more time to get a better feeling of what it would be like on presentation day. On the other hand, the small PowerPoint I used in conjunction with my speech was effective at helping the audience digest some of the denser material such as batting statistics. My goal was to give an ‘A’ level speech by following the rubric and guidelines for an informative speech given in class

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