
Mar 301 Quiz

Decent Essays

MAR 301 Chelsy Money Spring 2016 HW#3 Answer the following questions based on lecture materials and any outside resources. Be complete and concise. Use complete sentences and write answers in your own words. Use diagrams where helpful to answer the question, but also describe any diagrams in complete sentences. 50 pts total. 1.) Define the following terms: (3 pts each) Turbulent flow Turbulent flow is the flow of fluids in a chaotic way due to property changes. The Reynolds number is higher than that of laminar flow making it able to freely move. They create a rotational high energy movement. Eddies are a good example of turbulent flow off of jet streams. They create that vortex circular motion and are high energy to start and will …show more content…

The first organism you discover possesses a nucleus and seems to be engulfing another organism. Describe and defend two possible Linnaean classifications and two group classifications for this organism. (5 pts) They must be eukaryotic, meaning they have nucleus, and in the domain Eukarya. In the Linnaean classification this could be in the kingdom Protista like a paramecium. Another Linnaean classification of this could be in kingdom Animalia, since they are heterotrophs and their cells contain a nucleus. They could be grouped as predators, since the organism is engulfing another organism. They could also be grouped based on their locomotion. They could have cilia, legs, or even flagella. b. The next organism you discover is about 1 micrometer in length, lacks a nucleus, and contains chlorophyll. Describe and defend two possible Linnaean classifications and two group classifications for this organism. (5 pts) Since they do not contain a nucleus they would be in the prokaryotic domain. They would need to be from the kingdoms Bacteria Specifically Eubacteria. They use photosynthesis to produce their own food. This animal is most likely Prochlorococcus. This is the most abundant photosynthetic cell in the ocean. Another one is cyanobacteria or blue green algae, but they are prokaryotic unlike algae. They could be grouped by their shapes like cyanobacteria are spherical, rod, and spiral. They can also be grouped as photosynthetic since they have …show more content…

Sargassum is used by larvae to travel to other locations and this allows the ocean to be more diverse. They also produce oxygen since they are photosynthetic. Algae is not a Linnaean classification but they are in kingdom Chromista and Plantae. Algae has three grouping of brown, red, and green algae. Brown algae contain chlorophyll an and c and are in kingdom Chromista. Red algae contain a pigment called phycobilins and only contain chlorophyll and are in kingdom Plantae. They are used as a food additive in ice cream and used in sushi. In their blooms they become known as the red tide and will secrete nerve toxins in the water. Green algae contain chlorophyll a and b and are in kingdom Plantae. Some of the common are dead mans finger, sea lettuce, and mermaids

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