
Louis Riel Hero

Decent Essays

Louis Riel Position Paper: Hero

Paragraph 1: Must briefly explain the issue and state your position on it (do not present any reasons).

“ We must cherish our inheritance. We must preserve our nationality for the youth of our future. The story should be written down to pass on." (Louis Riel, 1884, IZ Quotes).” Louis Riel, an accomplished leader of the Metis, the architect of Manitoba and a resolutely, religious man who spoke for the rights of the Metis and Manitobans, is one of the most controversial figures in Canadian History. A beloved icon of the Metis, Manitobans and French Canadians’ wills, he spoke for the inherited rights of all people, that would not be trampled by any- including the Dominion of Canada. For others, he is …show more content…

However, in reality, his actions did cause a rebellious and traitorous portrayal of himself in the eyes of the English Canadians, Orangemen and the Federal Government. One such act was the execution of Thomas Scott- an aggressive man who was an ally of Dr. John Schulz and threatened Riel’s life. This execution demonized Louis Riel and was a severe miscalculation that eventually led to Riel’s exile- a mistake due to the result of the execution being spread to Ontario, where it angered many (including John A. Macdonald who sent troops to Manitoba forcing Riel to flee to the USA). Another reason that depicts Louis Riel in a negative light is the insanity plea given by Riel’s lawyers at the Regina trial in 1885. During Riel’s 15 years of exile in Dakota (USA), he formed a strong, almost psychotic belief that he was the prophet of the New World and believed the Metis were his chosen people. Louis Riel was admitted into a lunatic asylum in 1873. The judge and jury of the 1875 trial described him to be sane and punished according to that description. Also, Louis Riel was tried for high treason- the federal government wanted him hanged, the Ontarians wanted Riel punished and the Quebecois wanted mercy for his noble cause of defending his people. The charge of high treason is deserving, in the opinion of many, because Riel did lead two rebellions (Red River and NorthWest) which led to increased tensions and death. Though absurdly, Riel never fired a bullet in the rebellions- he only prayed and led- causing many to call him a coward and

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