
Loan Of Loans Direct And Loan

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You know you need a loan, but you don’t quite know where to go for assistance. That dilemma faces many people in the world. So many loan products are available that a consumer can get caught up and confused by fancy wording and jargon. One term that pops up frequently in the financial realm is “loans direct.” "Loans direct" is a description of a loan type. The term means that the loan comes directly from the lender to the borrower. Consumers have the option to go through loans direct or to conduct comparisons through a third-party company. Benefits and disadvantages exist with both processes.
The Benefit of Seeking Loans Direct
Consumers can seek assistance from direct lenders or brokers for the cash they need. Loans direct is a term that …show more content…

The consumer works with one company, and that person knows what type of loan he or she is borrowing.
What You Need to Know about Loans Direct
Most direct loans are for short periods of time. For example, the average lifespan of a payday loan is about 14 days. The consumer usually has until the very next payday to give the proceeds back to the lender. Instalment loans offer consumers a little more time than title loans offer them. Instalment loans last for about 45 to 90, but some companies will stretch them out to a one-year period. A title loan lasts approximately 30 days. Lenders do not intend direct loans to be long-term financing options. They intend them to be temporary help for consumers who get into financial trouble.
Qualifying for Direct Advances
A consumer has to be at least 18 years of age to qualify for any short-term advance because minors cannot sign contracts. Different loan types have different criteria when it comes to earnings and references. A title loan company may ask for up to seven references, and a payday lender may not ask for any. A title lender may not ask for employment information since it has the vehicle title as collateral. The payday lender will ask for employment information because it receives its money from the borrower’s paycheck.
Payday loan borrowers will most likely have to have a bank account in the area in which they live. A bank account is necessary for the lender to send the requested funds.

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