
Lexington And Concord: Significant Part Of The American Revolution

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The Battle of Lexington and Concord was a significant part of the American Revolution as it was the first military engagement between the British soldiers (Redcoats) and the colonists citizen soldiers(Patriots). Throughout the early morning of April 19, 1775 word had spread in the colony of Massachusetts that British Redcoats were on the march to Lexington. Farmers, as well as craftsmen's, and citizen Patriots grabbed their guns and ammunition to protect the villages of Lexington and Concord. (Peacock 4) The 700 Redcoats had reached Lexington, where they were confronted by the Patriots to try and …show more content…

As you can see Great Britain was not happy about the Boston Tea Party, and created strict punishments in the Intolerable Acts. Soon after English Parliament declared the Intolerable Acts Massachusetts was in a rebellious state.
Spies warned General Thomas Gage of the British military that colonists were gathering weapons to fight against the British for their independence. (Waldman 5) On April 14, 1775 General Thomas Gage received covert orders from Britain capture colonial leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock, who had been provoking the colonists to rebel against the British for their freedom, as well as to capture and destroy the colonial rebels military supplies. Spies and friends of the colonial Patriots leaked out General Gage's plan. Through the late nights of April 19, 1775 General Gage sent 700 British Redcoats to Lexington green. The colonial Patriots had assembled a halt to try and slow the British's progression towards Concord. Both sides came into contact and stood their ground intensely. “Lay down your arms, you damned rebels, or you are all dead men!” (King 25) A shot was fired, (unclear still to this day what side shot first) and the Battle of Lexington and Concord had begun! Chaos back and forth between the two sides as they were firing at each other. When the smoke had cleared eight rebellious Patriots lay dead and nine were wounded, while the British Redcoats only had one injured. The British Redcoats …show more content…

The British did indeed fire first but fell back when more and more militiamen showed up. By the time British soldiers were prepared to return back to Boston, almost 2000 militiamen arrived and more were arriving. Fighting had started yet again with militiamen hiding behind bushes in trees. British soldiers pulled back to Lexington where they had came into contact with more reinforcements of Redcoats. This didn’t stop the Patriots from continuing to resume attacks. The British tried and tried with Redcoats flanking and canon fire. The Patriots had a chance to finish the Redcoats off but were commanded not to. The British Redcoats retreated to Charlestown Neck. The Americans had won the battle, neither Samuel Adams or John Hancock had been taken and they only destroyed very little military supplies! By the end of the day Britain lost 293 soldier and the colonials 93. The colonial Patriots proved they were more than a group of unorganized colonial rebels.
The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle of the Revolutionary War. The Battle started the making of our independence from Great Britain. The battle was the first site of rebelliousness as it was created due to colonial Patriots coming together with their military supplies to fight the British. General Gage couldn’t have this so he and his troops needed to destroy military supplies, therefore they couldn't rebel and fight againsts the British. The Battle of Lexington and Concord

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