
Letter of Motivation Essay

Decent Essays

Letter of Motivation My educational background is quite diverse. I spent my last three years at the Geelong College Australia, and have successfully finished year 12 there. My choices of subjects reflected the diversity of my interests - English, Mathematics, International Studies, Legal Studies, and Economics. I excelled in International Studies and was awarded Academic Merit. Upon my return to Surabaya at the start of year 1999, I attended IBMT (Institute of Business Management and Technology), an International University which follows the United States curriculum, at which I majored in International Management.
The subjects I took were: Accounting I and II, Sociology, Psychology, World Civilization, English Composition, Public …show more content…

After I returned to Indonesia, I became an active member of the Rotary Club and The British Council. These extra-curricular experiences have provided me with a balance for the rigorous school works and further developed my interests and talents while serving others.

Living in Geelong, a small yet cosmopolitan city in Australia has influenced me interpersonally. The experience of living in such sharp contrast to my life in Surabaya, Indonesia, has given me a broader view of the world and the ability to adapt to a different culture which every international student must possess. Living isolated from Indonesian speakers has also made my English improve surprisingly fast. I’m a blend of two contrasting lifestyles, and my thoughts, ideas, and actions reflect this blend. Of course if it wasn’t for my parents giving me the opportunity to study in Australia, I wouldn’t have been so privileged to have such an educational background.

After finishing senior school, I would like to fulfill a life long wish, which is to study Asian Studies and International Studies. Indonesian reformation will open immense International relations opportunities in near future. I aspire to work closely with the United Nations and to be involved in Indonesia’s international affairs. This is why I believe that an Asia Pacific Studies degree at

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