
Land Use And Rural Development: A Case Study Of China

Decent Essays

4.2 Land use and rural development: A Case Study of China

4.2.1 General overview

Prior to the opening up and reform in China, land tenure was largely controlled by the state as a result of Chairman Mao Zedong vision of a soviet styled industrialized socialist republic. It was during his leadership era in China that land was forcefully taken from landowners in various provinces and reclaimed for agricultural purposes. This move was basically undertaken to fulfill Mao Zedong vision of extracting profit from surplus agricultural production. Not only did Mao Zedong reclaim land from its owners but he also organized farmers into communes and made them work to achieve his objectives. This was one of the most difficult eras for the Chinese people as communism began to shape their lives and way of thinking. (Yanefski 2013)

However today whilst the state still claims exclusive ownership of all land in China, land use policy has changed significantly then it was some 50 …show more content…

These services have further boosted the performance and contribution of the rural sectors of China to the overall growth of the Chinese economy today.

4.3 Site Visit experiences in Gansu and Guangdong Province

Site visits were conducted to Gansu and Guangdong province and the main focus of these two visits were to basically witness and analyze development in China from two perspectives i.e. from a well developed province like Guangdong and a poor province like Gansu.

What differentiated the fate of these two provinces are their geographical locations. Guangdong is located in the low latitude area and faces the South China seas whilst Gansu is located on the western inland area of China. Their location in itself speaks volume for their accessibility to market opportunities and the outside world.


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