
King Of Normandy A Hero's Journey

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Shortly after his father would perish on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem he was appointed the new Duke at the age of 8. At a young age violence was at an uproar at a young age he was already experienced in war but with the help of King Henry the first of France, William would be able to survive all of the attacks they would endure. They fought and would clash war after war. William bending never breaking, this would eventually help him gain a lot of experience on how war works. He would have guardians who would take care of him, such as Alan of Brittany after his death gilbert of Brionne took charge in William and he was killed in months and there was another guardian he was also killed the same time gilbert was. After constantly being attacked he was forced to seek king henry of France who molded him and made him to the ruthless leader he was to become. After leaving Normandy for so long, William made his return back in 1047 and asserted his authority destroying all of the rebels after that making the claim as the undisputed Duke of Normandy. William of Normandy matured into a tall man with red hair. During this time The Duke of Normandy went to visit his cousin Edward the confessor, It was during this visit that he would be promised William the kingdom should he die. The true heir was Edgar Atheling who is Edwards great nephew, but he was still a child who knew very little about England, but Edward who was appointed the king in 1042 promised him in that right. It would so happen that with Harold crash landing on Normandy as a Duke he would have to take him in even if it was unwilling, with this Edward

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