
Killing Lennie

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After shooting Lennie, George couldn’t stop thinking about it. He went with the other guys for a drink, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Lennie. George didn’t get much sleep that night, Lennie was hunting his dreams but not in a wrong way, he was now just a broken memory in George’s heart and brain. No one knew how close they were, that’s why it didn’t affect the others; however, Candy found out and said, “What are we going to do? You killed Lennie as they killed my dog. What about our ranch? Is our dream dead as your inseparable friend?” George just couln’t respond his questions, it was too painful for him. At night, George started seeings shadows that looked like Lennie. Killing Lennie was of the worst things he ever made, the guilt was killing him on the inside, i was driving him insane. George’s situation couldn`t make him stop remembering Lennie, the best friend he ever had eventhough he had to take care of him just like a little kid, Lennie was really important for him. A week after, George tried to work normally, he was becoming more mentally unstable, he couldn’t do anything anymore. His productivity was decreasing each day, but his inner voice told him to keep working and accomplishing his only dream of having a ranch and to accomplish Lennie’s desired dream. Working …show more content…

He had a happy and a great life. In addition, he had a son who he named Lennie Jr. in loving memory of his friend Lennie. George’s son had some resemblance regarding Lennie, they both loved to pet soft animals. Lennie Jr., loved to tend the rabbits and had lots of animals just like his deceased uncle, Lennie. George remembered Lennie everyday, he remembered their adventures together and the whole life together. Even though Candy died some years before, he got to seee their successful ranch. Both were proud of it and invited some of the guys from the ranch like Slim and Crooks who was not isolated

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