
Karl Von Muller Weakness

Decent Essays

Every speech given is a lesson to be learned. Not just by those listening but to the person giving it as well. The informative speech I gave was no exception. I learned a great deal from this speech about my strengths and weaknesses as a speaker. In this paper, I will delve into the details by dividing the speech into the usual categories of content, delivery, and organization. In each of these categories I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses I noticed in my informative speech in each of these areas. The first thing I noticed about my content was how the audience received it. The topic was Karl von Muller and his naval campaign during world war one. When surveyed, the class seemed to be of the consensus that they had no idea who he was. With this feedback, I moved forward on the speech believing a topic …show more content…

From my perspective in front of the class I felt the students were not interested in hearing about the career of a long dead German sailor regardless of how successful he was. It should be noted this is from my perspective which was being effected by communication apprehension at the time. This led to me skipping several points I wanted to include in the speech. Particularly in the middle section of the speech when I was talking about Muller’s personal character and the way he conducted himself while captain of the SMS Emden. The content is only a third of what makes a speech. Delivery is perhaps the most important part of a speech. No matter how engaging, relevant, and entertaining a topic is, if the speaker fails in every way to properly give the speech no one is going to listen to the speaker. In chapter five of the communication age connecting & engaging this is described as “Source distractions occur when the person…we are listening to exhibits a behavior that inhibits our ability to listen” (Edwards 114). As I reflect on the speech, I believe my delivery was a mix of good and bad

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