
Joseph Campbell: American Indian Myth

Decent Essays

The documentary begins with Joseph Campbell describing his interest to further understand mythology, how it speaks to a person’s everyday life and what the message is attempting to say. Campbell was fascinated with American Indian mythology, he studied the tribes constantly. He believes it was this obsession that began his life as a scholar. The stories the Indians shared clearly depict the harsh reality of life growing up. The time-period in relation to Campbell beginning his life as a scholar was about a generation after the American Indian Wars, he studied the popular culture’s view who recreated the American Indian legends for him. Campbell enjoyed telling stories to people, he would often illustrate the Indian’s relationship with the …show more content…

His rural American background allowed him to view the European art differently. Karl Jung connected dream and myth, this idea was a pivotal role in the universal symbol of mythology for Campbell. He traveled back to the states where he found it was extremely difficult to find a job. His father lost all of his money during the Wall Street Crash. This forced Campbell to use the money he saved up as a student and just read for the next five years. After the five years, he used his knowledge to become a professor. The students helped him and much as he helped his students. The females in his class encouraged him to be open minded to understanding the point of view from a woman in life. This initiated the thought of marriage and love, how connected or disconnected these concepts can be. After research and listening to his female students, he understood that the authentic life is when love and marriage coexist together, which makes up a spiritual marriage. His findings portray that love is fulfilled in marriage, marriage is the confirmation of love, this was a whole new perspective, a foreign idea to people. Campbell ended up marrying a former student and she converged myth and art and she danced through stages of life, her and Joseph were very

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