
Jackie Robinson : Breaking The Color Line

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Jackie Robinson: Breaking the Color Line
The game of baseball has been argued to be the number one game in America and also around the world. Respectively the game is also known as “America’s pastime” had over 14 million people in the U.S. alone watching the World Series in 20151. Due to the growing popularity of baseball throughout the world the players of Major League Baseball (MLB) have become more diverse. Since 1950 when baseball started to grow in popularity the attendance per game has risen over 40%2.
On Friday June 19, 1846 the first officially recorded baseball game in American History was played. Six months before this event slavery was abolished on December 18, 1865. Just because African Americans were free from slavery did not mean they were free. Almost all things in America were segregated between whites and blacks, including the game of baseball until one day an African American man by the name of Jackie Robinson broke the color line of American baseball.
Early History of American Baseball
The earliest known reference to baseball as we know it in America was in 1791 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. There was an ordinance banning the play of the sport within 80yds a town meeting center. No one is exactly sure of the origins of baseball but many believe it to be a variation of the English game of “rounders”. The very first team to play the sport of baseball
Smith 2 under modern rules were the New York Knickerbockers. The amateur club was founded September 23 in

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