
JFK Inaugural Speech

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In 1961, John F. Kennedy addressed the United States during his inauguration to become the president. He inherited the issues from his predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, including the Cold War, the possibility of nuclear warfare and the fear of communism. As president, JFK reassured Americans of the strength of their country and that there would soon be peace, justice and freedom around the world, not destruction and war. He assured that everyone in the United States was safe from the evil that was spreading through other parts of the world. He spent time motivating Americans to come together as a nation and be patriots of the United States of America to make changes. JFK wanted the new generation to know that it was their time to show what they could contribute towards the change that America needed. In his short and sweet inaugural address, personification, allusions and persuasive techniques helped appeal to the emotions of not only the citizens of the United States but also people around the world to achieve his goal of promoting peace and unity. The 1960’s was full of important and defining events that shaped the United States into the country today. People listening to his speech were most likely the ones needing the reassurance. Whether it was for reassurance of the economy, peace or better health care throughout the US, JFK did his best to appeal to all of these people and hit all these points. He engaged the audience and got their attention by appealing to their

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