
Interpersonal Communication Course I Have Increased Self Awareness

Decent Essays

Through Interpersonal Communication course I took in first semester in school, I have increased self-awareness. Every day, I keep learning more and more about myself. Not only that, but also, practice skills, and integration of knowledge and practice. For years, I have not seen self-awareness important, and also do not know my strengths and weaknesses. Though, I had an idea what my likes and dislikes were but my self-awareness was missing. Self-awareness is important because it can help us to recognize when we are stressed or under pressure. Self-awareness will also advance interpersonal relations, and also for developing empathy for others. An experience that has helped me to discover the important area of knowledge that I would like to …show more content…

Though I have learned to see others as on my side, and I know I am on theirs, I still worry that people are not looking out for me at times. In the aftermath of this recent disagreement, I talked through my feelings with my girlfriend. I told her I understood my emotional response, and I knew where it came from when I first felt this way, why and how it’s been a pattern in my life. I have been blaming people from my past, and then I realized blaming people will do me harm. I’ve spent a lot of time learning to let go of victim stories, which is a big part of why I don’t write about some of the most painful events of my life. Still, for good or for bad, they shaped who I am. I know, however, that is my responsibility to change my responses and behaviours. And that, right there, has helped me discover that there is an important area of knowledge that I would like to have, which is self-awareness. I received feedback from my supervisor at my placement after mid-term evaluation. She explained to me how amazed she was, and how I did not take it personal after she wrote ‘not applicable’ in one of the lines on my mid-term evaluation form that says, “work with service recipients.” She explained, reason why is because I have not done it. She explained how good my acceptance was after she refused to agree on grading me on the number three of my mid-term evaluation form. Therefore, that has helped me develop my self-awareness. What I feel will

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