
Interpersonal Communication : 42 : The Jackie Robinson Story

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Interpersonal Communication — 42: The Jackie Robinson Story Becoming the first African-American to break the racial barrier in a white supremacist sport like Major League Baseball during the 1940s when colored racism still occurred is an accomplishment like no other. Jackie Robinson faced numerous hardships and endured countless racial setbacks during his professional baseball career, but managed to set aside his frustrations and continue to emerge as a symbol of hope and unity for all. The makers of 42: The Jackie Robinson Story portray the story of his career as it demonstrates the struggle of race stereotyping during the 1940s and the interpersonal power struggles of being seen as an “equal”. “I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being” (Robinson) is a powerful message that I would like for you to keep in mind as you continue to read. Being African-American during the 1940s was a difficult time for the black community as they faced issues of segregation and discrimination. Racial slurs and epithets were considered a norm, as the white community reigned supreme. It wasn't until Brooklyn Dodgers executive,
Branch Rickey decided to take a leap of faith and do what was viewed as the unthinkable at the time, sign an African-American to a baseball team. In the film there is one scene in particular

Ieraci 2 that I thought was heart-wrecking. To see an individual’s racial slurs and blunt remarks depict the struggle of race stereotyping between the black and white community so well is difficult to accept. The Dodgers were playing the Philadelphia Phillies and Robinson was up at bat. Ben Chapman, the manager of the Phillies begun to direct racial slurs towards him as his verbal cues were filled with dislike, and hate. He labelled Robinson because of his skin color and told him that baseball was a white man’s game and will continue to be like that in the coming years. Chapman’s overall goal was to provoke an outburst from Robinson, but fortunately, Robinson was able to stay level headed and block out the negativity. An individual that continuously receives verbal abuse, and is able to control his/her temper is an outstandingly, strong individual,

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