
Informative Essay : Busting Myths About Race

Good Essays

Jordan Bradley
Anth 300
Prof. Paskey
April 26, 2016
Fuentes Short Responses
Busting Myths about Race
1. The idea of race is real, but it is not biologically reality. Race is based on cultural perspectives that we as human beings use to identify persons around the world. “Science would favor Du Bois. Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning” (Gannon) Meaning that there is nothing biologically real about race. And that it is strictly culturally developed.
2. Race is important because it is not biological, it’s a social construct that humans beings formed years ago. The social construct is racial classification for individuals would remain constant throughout the world. By grouping individuals through cultural or social practice. And can also socially group people into categories based on shared norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Also race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. Such as bigger/smaller noses, head, lips or other varies body parts. The social construction of human beings can be made out on a human taxonomy that define essential types of individuals based on certain traits that they have in that region.
3B. Dr. Loring Boring and Dr. George Gill fall on the opposite sides of the argument about race. Dr. Brace view is one that say’s “There is no such thing as biological entity that warrants the term race.” (Brace) While Dr. Gill

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