
Informal Care Essay

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Informal care is unpaid care that may be provided by family, friends or neighbours. (Brodsky, Habib and Hirschfield, 2003) state “Informal Care is by far the dominant form of care throughout the world.” This essay will state how important informal care is in modern society and how this has affected current social policy. It will define what the differences are between informal and formal care, what exactly informal care consists of, what a carer is, include statistics about informal carers, explain what the mixed economy of care means and conclude the importance of informal care in society.

Informal care can be any type of unpaid care that a person receives. . Twigg (1992) states, “Informal care normally occurs in the context of the …show more content…

The Community Care and Health Act 2002 brought this about; the Act stipulates that local authorities must make available direct payment to those who utilise community care services. Riddell, Ahlgren, Pearson, Watson, MacFarlane, no date).This is money which is paid directly to a person in need of care to employ someone of their own choice to support them in their daily living (Age Concern, no date). The negative factor of this payment is that it is not regulated. It is difficult therefore to monitor and asses if the person is receiving the care they require (Somerset City Council, 2011).

The majority of carers are women (finch and groves 1983) and significant proportions are under the age of 18. This is known as a young carer, which is defined as ‘someone, under the age of 18, who looks after, or helps to care for, a family member who has a disability, mental ill health, a blood borne virus or a problematic use of drugs or alcohol. They may provide hands-on caring, and/or may be affected themselves by someone in their family who needs care’ (Dundee Carers Centre, 2009). There are difficulties identifying young carers because many do not disclose their caring role for fear of being separated from their parents and family members, bullying and social exclusion. Also there is a large amount of emotional strain for younger carers who do not access the services they are entitled to.
According to (Jimenez-Martin/Vilaplana 2008)

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