
Identify and Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of the Person Responsible for Health, Safety and Welfare on a Construction Project

Decent Essays

Assignment 1 of 2: Health and safety responsibilities at work

P1: Identify and describe the roles and responsibilities of the person responsible for health, safety and welfare on a construction project

Client Duties – The Client is an individual or an organization that has construction work carried out as part of their business. Clients duties should have a role of an input to take part in or to take action which is to have responsibilities of having health and safety signs in places around the construction site at all times, they should also be able to ensure that they have welfare facilities such as washing facilities, dining room where the employers can have their time to read newspapers, eat or drink, they also need to have a …show more content…

It is the local committee who are the local council of that particular borough or region who do the setting up consent as they work mostly on roads, highway and motorway protection which means they have to interchange traffic lights or block some lines of the motorway or roads, they have to do it in such a way to create it safer in the region and they also have to protect the surroundings areas of the region similarly if there is a waterway close by so just in case no other risky chemicals can go inside the waterway and cause to kill the nature or the wildlife.

Local Authority must:

• Local Authority must planned that the work which is going to take place is not going to put others people around the region or the environment at risk

• Local Authority must make sure that the noise level is acceptable during the project

• Local Authority must be working in conditions with regard to health and safety are in place

• Local Authority must ensure that the project plan is safety proposition and is accepted and agreed by the local authority

CDM – Construction Design Management Coordinator – CDM are there to make sure that the designers are alert of their own duties, to

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