
Hstm 4455 Unit 5 Paper

Better Essays

Coty Kibodeaux
HSTM 4455, T2 2015

Whether a light bulb needs to be changed, a critical audio or visual component shorts out, or the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) system goes out, proper maintenance could be the factor that saves or destroys an event before it even begins. Proper maintenance can not only save the organization from unscheduled downtime but it can also prevent unwarranted cost. For example: if a vehicle doesn’t have its oil regularly serviced, it could cause the vehicles engine to fail possibly causing thousands of dollars of damage. The same thing can be said when it comes to a facility and its maintenance.
With the rising cost of maintenance as it pertains to facilities, it’s important to have policies, procedures, or systems in place to help counteract or prevent unnecessary problems in the future. Tools such as Building Management Software (BMS) or Building …show more content…

This excess of information can be ciphered through and used as a baseline starting point for a new facility management process. By combining the old data with new data, the software provided with the new system along with an access point can allow data to build and improve upon the capability of the older system. Analytic tools such as those provided by the new system can help to reduce energy use and provide improvement to current operations, not only on a facility efficiency level, but on the financial side of facility management as well.
One of the major issues with integration of old and new systems is that of like components. Combine these problems of like components with labels or tags that similar to each other but have different functions and that can be a recipe for disaster. As such, old components and new, along with network labels and tags need to be brought together and given a new unique naming

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