
How The Brownies Saved Christmas Analysis

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How the Brownies Saved Christmas ©
Paul Ray Childers

At the cold North Pole where Santa Claus dwells there live some very, very special little Elves.
They’re not the ones that you may know.
These elves are called Brownies, so I am told.
Each one has his own special job and name and treats his work like it was a really fun game.
Yuley is the chief, Brownie number one.
He makes sure that all the jobs get properly done.
Uh-oh checks all of their work for mistakes, that any one of the Brownies accidently makes.
Laylow checks beneath Santa’s big sleigh, to see that there is nothing that gets in its way.
Early makes sure that the Brownies don’t over sleep, so all of their jobs they may get to keep.
Tester checks out Santa’s sleigh and all its …show more content…

Santa leaped from his sleigh laughing and shouting, “Ho! Ho! Ho!
It’s much quicker landing that way than on snow!”
Santa and the Brownies went all over the world that Christmas Eve night, at a time when there wasn’t a snowflake in sight!
So if anyone asks you, now you know how Santa gets his sleigh to places that have no snow.
So if you live in a place where snow never comes down, don’t let your face get caught with a frown.
The Brownies will help Santa get his sleigh full of presents to you.
That is, if you’ve been good. Now, that’s true!
And when you leave treats for Santa to put in his mouth, be sure not to leave the Brownies without.
Set out cakes, chips and cookies, and set out a bunch!
‘Cause they don’t have time to have dinner or lunch.
Leave them something to drink, too, like milk, punch or pop.
This will help them to work without having to stop.
It takes much strength to do what they do to help Santa get presents to me and to you!
So, Merry Christmas to all people, and Brownies and Elves, and to all those who think more of others than they do of themselves.
“Merry Christmas,” from all the Brownies, who asked me to say,
“Let Christmas live in your hearts every day!”


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