
How Does Suzanne Collins Use Sacrifice In The Hunger Games

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The book, The Hunger Games, was written by Suzanne Collins. This book had many ideas including; power, versions of reality, identity, society and class, love, strength and skill, appearances, politics, competition, and sacrifice. Two very important ideas that stuck out to me were power, and sacrifice. Suzanne Collins has a lot of evidence in her book to support her main ideas. Suzanne Collins is a great author who can very easily grab the readers attention and that is why hers books are so popular, and how so many people are unable to stop reading them.

In, The Hunger Games, the totalitarian government controls it's people by having each district send one boy and one girl to fight to the death in a competition called "The Hunger Games." The Government does this to punish to districts because of the rebellion they had many years ago. "The Hunger Games" were designed to stop the people from thinking about rebelling against the government. Also because teenagers from the districts are fighting each other it makes the districts against each other. Suzanne Collins has examples of this all over her books. Every step of the main characters journey has to fight the power brought down on them by the government. …show more content…

The biggest sacrifice happens at the very beginning with Katniss little sister is chosen to represent distinct 12 in "the Hunger Games" Katniss sacrifices herself and volunteers to take her sisters place. This is a huge sacrifice because this means almost certain death. The next evidence of Sacrifice in the book is at the end. When Katniss and Peeta both are willing to eat poison berries that way the don't have to kill each other. Even thought the announcer stops the game before they are able to do it. They were willing to sacrifice there own lives. These are the two examples Suzanne gives us to support her idea of Sacrifice in the

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