
How Is Scrooge Presented In The Christmas Carol

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In the Christmas Carol the main character Scrooge’s has a business of being human, although he abuses that and does not do the right things. Scrooge is very rude to characters and has lost one of his only friends Marley. Scrooge also has a clerk that has more importance then you would think. Scrooge is all about money and himself. In the story the author Dickens wants the reader to understand that one’s business in life is to be kind to others even when you feel they do not deserve it. He teaches us this through the development of Scrooge.

In Stave I of the Christmas Carol Scrooge is not the nicest person. During the Christmas Carol the day it revolves around is Christmas. Where there is joy, love, and hope. For Scrooge is revolved around money, money, and oh yeah I forgot one more thing money. Scrooge hated Christmas. He did not even like to hear the word …show more content…

Scrooge starts to care about others besides himself. He starts to realize that other things could bring joy to himself besides money and that all he has to do is make someone else happy and that could make him the happiest man in the whole entire world. Once the last spirit visits him. He realizes if he does not change, it could really do some bad damage to not only others around him, but he could damage himself. Evidence that supports my answer is “"I'll send it to Bob Cratchit's!" whispered Scrooge, rubbing his hands, and splitting with a laugh. “He sha'n't know who sends it. It's twice the size of Tiny Tim. Joe Miller never made such a joke as sending it to Bob's will be!" Although the evidence I provided might not seem like a lot. You have to really think about it. Scrooge at the beginning did not even fully pay Bob or let along even be nice to him, but he goes and buys the biggest turkey he could even find and gives it to his family for FREE. Now we all know how Scrooge loves his money, but he changed his business and now wants to focus on

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