
How Does Emily Bonte Create A Suspenseful Setting In Wuthering Heights

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In “Wuthering Heights”, Emily Bronte created a suspenseful setting by giving an eerie feeling to the story when Lockwood enters his new residence and it was not very welcoming to Lockwood. Bonte described snow as a dangerous thing that can kill you. “A sorrowful sight I saw; dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in on bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow”, (Bonte 10). This setting gives Lockwood a life or death choice to make, does he go back to his residence or stay at his landlord’s house. He then decides and his decision causes us to learn about Heathcliff, Lockwood’s landlord. Early in the story Bonte gives us a good clue to Heathcliff which is. “The herd of possessed swine could have no worse spirits in them

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