
How Does Curley's Wife Show Loneliness

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Steinbeck tells a story of loneliness and inequality. Throughout the novella, characters are often alone and are in some way treated differently from others. The story took place in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. People during that time period just wanted to survive; that was their idea of the American Dream. They traded survival for happiness. All the characters in the novella are somewhat alone and have nobody to count on. Curley’s wife is the loneliest in the novella because she is the only woman on the ranch, she is in an unhappy marriage, and she is mistreated because she’s the only woman. Curley’s wife had no friends. She lived on a ranch flooding with men, so she was always alone. All she wanted to do was talk to someone, but Curley forbid it. Curley’s wife says, “I get lonely,” she said. “You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How’d you like to not talk to anybody (page 87).” The men on the ranch misunderstood her and her feelings. They figured she would come around to start trouble. Curley’s wife doesn’t like Curley. She married Curley to get away from her mother because she thought her mother stole her dreams. She says, “I ast her if she stole it, too, an’ she …show more content…

The characters always refer to her as “Curley’s wife”. Curley even says, “Any of you guys seen my wife (page 53)?” This shows that men were considered more superior in the 1930s. Curley’s wife was mistreated because she was a woman, and because she was married she belonged to her husband. Thus, Curley owned her. The characters would often degrade Curley's wife by calling her disrespectful names. Candy and George were having a conversation about her and Candy says hesitantly, “ Well, I think Curley’s married… a tart (page 28).” They also refer to her as a looloo. So, if she tries to make friends or have a conversation with someone, she will be considered a

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