
How Did The Renaissance Influence America

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The Renaissance had a profound part in the development of modern thinking, technology and art. The Renaissance influenced America to what it is today. The Renaissance way of thinking was based more on humanism and less on religion. That resulted in a newer way of thinking than the church's way of thinking. Before the Renaissance all thinking was geared towards religion in some way.The Renaissance was influential in the new way of thinking and helped discover things that would later be very important for the world. The Renaissance was a change for good, not only for the Europeans, but also for America and other societies around the world.

The renaissance encouraged people to think for their own instead of having the church tell them everything. More and more people started thinking more …show more content…

The use of realism changed the way paintings were viewed. The detail,in the paintings were something that people haven't seen before. The painters were extraordinary at their craft. One example of one of these painters was Michelangelo. Michelangelo was an amazing painter and sculptor. Some of his most famous works are "judgement day", David, the Sistine chapel ceiling and the creation of Adam. All these paintings use the elements of art which are color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. The use of spacing and color had not been seen before. Painters usually painted everything one-dimensional and the colors weren't realistic. The Renaissance era of painting introduced painting with three dimensions and realistic colors. The 3 dimensional paintings looked so real to everyone and they hadn't seen anything like it. They thought it looked as if the people in the paintings were actually living. The effects that painting have on the world are still seen in today's world. An example is in video games. The art is so realistic that it seems like the people are actually alive, just like in Michelangelo's

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