
Hindustan Unilever: Tagline Of Daw Dawn Dishwashing Products In India

Decent Essays

India is one of the top emerging markets in the world, and with recent change in government policies India has attracted a lot of FMCG companies to come and market their products in the country. With 650 million consumers in India P&G is challenging the monopoly its closest rival i.e. Hindustan Unilever Limited(HUL). Dishwashing liquid is one brand HUL has had a monopoly over the years with VIM. Hindustan Unilever started VIM with a dish bar but with further advancements they launched the dishwashing liquid as well which became an instant success. 8% increase in dishwashing market in India. It would be the right time to introduce Dawn dishwashing liquid in India. …show more content…

It is the leading hand dishwashing product in United States with a market share of 54% and is also trusted in major parts of the world. Hand dishwashing is very famous across India and a new liquid format of Dawn can help P&G increase their market share in the dishwashing liquid segment. (& Gamble n.d.)
The tagline of Dawn dishwashing liquid “Make Bigtime Clean-Ups.Big Time Easy” will attract a lot of urban households in India. Marketing through SHIKSHA will also help Dawn gain an edge over its rivals. Vim dishwashing soap caters to a market but has a small product diversification but Dawn dishwashing liquid has a huge product diversification and can cater to larger market in India from urban to rural.(& Gamble

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