
Harvey Milk Informative Essay

Decent Essays

“If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” This quote was said by a man who took that very close to home. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the U.S., said this quote in one of his personal recordings. Harvey Milk is an important figure in history because of his ability to persevere and inspire all those who are a part of the LGBT community. Milk is considered a hero because he refused to let his sexuality get in the way of his dreams and inspired thousands to embrace their sexuality. Harvey Milk was born May 22, 1930 in Woodmere, New York. He was a popular kid in his High School, and did many activities from football to opera. He knew he was gay when he was in high school, but that didn’t stop him. Milk took on a lot of tasks, one being him working in his …show more content…

On one of his personal recordings he said, “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that destroy every closet door.” Subsequently, two bullets entered his brain. On November 27, 1978, just around five months after his Hope Speech, he was assassinated by Daniel White. Daniel White was a former San Francisco Board Supervisor who had issues with Milk’s sexuality and political decisions. Not to mention, White also killed San Francisco mayor George Moscone just seconds before Milk. Daniel White was only given five years for the assassinations due to the defense that he had depression caused by consuming too much sugar. This was known as the “Twinkie Defense”, and was later banned (Cloud). Even though the death was terrible, it caused thousands of gay people to come out in respect to Harvey. Also, there were many gay riots after Daniel White’s miniscule conviction. After his death thousands of people had a candlelight vigil in his respects (Cloud). Many people have been inspired by Harvey Milk’s brave actions to follow his dream, and to be himself in a world where he was

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