
Gun-Personal Narrative

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I’m awakened by sudden loud footsteps. Groggily, I roll over and yawn as my eyes adjust on the digital clock that sits atop my nightstand. The big red letters read 2:17. Something downstairs crashes and I bolt upright. I swing my feet over the edge of my bed. I know right now you’re probably thinking I’m that stupid girl from the horror movies that goes to the danger instead of away from it, but I’m tired, and hungry, and not thinking straight… So I go downstairs. As I tiptoe down the steps, the house becomes silent, the way it should be at 2:17 in the morning. All the stomping around has stopped and now the only sound was the soft thud of my feet on the carpeted stairs. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs, I wake up fully and realize, …show more content…

“Explain what? How you just shattered the window? How you almost shot my daughter? How you have been leaving the house trashed? or explain that?” my dad jabs his finger toward the monster, who is now struggling to climb out the window. The man with the gun shoots the monster in the leg and sets his gun on the counter. The, monster, who is dangling halfway out the window, screams and tries to squeeze his big body through the small window. The monster eventually succeeds and the man says “Uh, sir… I-I’ll explain it all.” In a matter of minutes, we learn the man’s name is Larry, he works for the lab that created the monster, he cut out the footage from the police’s cameras, and he had been shooting at our house because he was hired to eliminate the monster before it did any major destruction. He finishes his story by saying he was just trying to do his job and help out. Everyone looks at my dad, and waits for his reaction. All he does is nod and tell me and Chelsea to go upstairs while he and mom talk with …show more content…

In this turn of events, there was a monster that escaped its holding cell in the lab. Around 3:00 this morning, the monster was captured by a man named Larry. Now we will go to Deborah, who is live at the scene with Larry. There is a scene of a female news reporter standing next to Larry. Larry is beaming and waving at the camera like a little kid as the reporter asks him questions about the lab he works for, about the monster he captured, and how he captured the monster. She finishes by saying what a brave hero Larry is and Larry literally takes a bow and says thank

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