
Essay on Greedy Creditors and the Abuse of Consumers

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Greedy Creditors and the Abuse of Consumers  Society is rapidly leaning on credit cards. More consumers prefer to carry plastic instead of cash. Moreover, the privilege of holding a line of credit is convenient and useful in today’s world. From hotel reservations and apartment rentals, to ordering online products, families are relying on credit as a time saving devise. As the importance of credit soars, money hungry creditors are taking advantage of the public’s reliance on credit cards.

Credit cards are essential for the escalated pace and demands of today’s society.
Consumers are increasingly using credit cards to simplify their spending. In addition, carrying cash is more dangerous than carrying credit cards and …show more content…

16). Furthermore, inaccurate information posses an equal threat to consumers. To illustrate, Heady (1999) purports that an individual called the automated teller for his required payment and was given the dollar amount, but not the change owed. However, after paying the acknowledged amount, the consumer received a late charge. When the credit holder questioned the company, their response was that the automation did not include the change owed because it would result in extra air time charges on the creditor’s eight hundred number. Another consumer was devastated when he accepted an offer for a card with a $1,200.00 limit from First North American Bank, but after reaching the limit the creditor began to lower the limit and raise the interest rate. Therefore, he acquired a higher amount owed in interest, plus over limit fees (Heady, 1999). Furthermore, Weber and Palmer (2000), state that when a consumer pays late, the creditor has the right to raise interest rates, however, if a consumer does not use a card, the creditor may charge inactivity fees. Cut up the card and the creditor is entitled to charge a closing fee.

A consumer with flawed credit suffers the most. Although creditors are happy to issue a credit card, creditors aggressively demand unfair funds from the consumer. Nelsons Reports, states statistics concerning Providian Financial Corporation, claiming that their net income grew by 86% when

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