
Generational Differences Essay

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Generational Differences
Every generation is influenced by its period 's economic, political and social events. From the Great Depression to the civil rights and women 's movements to the advent of television and advanced computer technologies. Thus generational background/situation may also affect the way they work. The key is to be able to effectively address and take advantage of the differences in values and expectations of each generation in the workplace. The current work place consists of four different generations; The Baby Boomers (1946-1964) who are slowly retiring and existing the workforce, The Generation X (1965-1976), The Generation Y or millennia (1977-1997), and the Generation Z who are about to or are just entering the work force. Although these different generations tend to want similar things in a workplace their environment/background has shaped their character, values, and expectations (Hahn 2011).
Baby Boomers’ perspective
According to Hahn (2011), baby boomers share the following background and characteristics:
• Raised during a time of economic prosperity and optimism.
• Grew up with a clear division of gender roles and low divorce rate.
• Experience the Vietnam War, the Apollo 11 moon landing, and the civil right movement.
• They are comfortable working in hierarchical organizations.
• Demonstrate a strong sense of self, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
• Expect life to revolve around work.
• Prefer face to face meetings.
• May feel

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