
Fxico Madero Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

The country of Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821 and over the coming decades would see serious political strife while leaders fought for control of the country. In 1876 General Porfirio Diaz seized control of the country and held power for the next thirty-four years. Diaz was a no nonsense sort of leader, who did not allow any opposition to his policies. Diaz promoted investment into Mexico’s natural resources from foreign companies and improved the wages of many of his supporters, while at the same time ignoring the lower classes who saw their wages shrink and their livelihood suffer.
Economic strife during the 1907 to 1909 years allowed for opposition parties to rise up to challenge Diaz. One such leader was Francisco Madero, who campaigned across Mexico for democratic elections in a bid to oust Diaz. Diaz responded to Madero’s Presidential bid by having him and five thousand of his supporters arrested. Madero escaped across the border in 1910 and called on the citizens of Mexico to rise up and overthrow Diaz. Other leaders like Emiliano Zapata and Francisco (Pancho) Villa and Venustiano Carranza martialed their forces were able to force Diaz to …show more content…

He encouraged his supporters to engage in massive but peaceful protests, that spread through the country in 1978. The Shah and his forces responded by attacking the protesters, killing hundreds. This caused the protests to grow until it callumated in Black Friday on September 8th 1978. The Shah declared martial law and his forces killed thousands of protesters. Losing international support from the United States, the Shah fled to Egypt and the Ayatollah returned back to Iran. Protest continued with many blaming the United States for the Shahs actions and taking hostage workers at the US Embassy in Tehran. They would be held as captives until January of

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