
Free Community College Essay

Decent Essays

My research on free community college has brought me to your article in the Los Angeles Times “Why Obama's plan for tuition-free community colleges is a good idea” in which you describe how free community college would benefit this nation and exemplify national principals. Your opinion is similar to that of the President, and the democratic presidential candidates. What differentiated you from the others with your stance is your genuine belief in you argument. You were not trying to sell us the plan like the President was, but you were stating what your truly thought was the best for America. The article was written in a very timely manner as America is searching for ways to revitalize our economy and educational system. As you may know, I …show more content…

As Americans, we both want to see this country succeed, our economy grown, and the principals of this nation we hold dear upheld. That is why I understand why you would want to pull subsidies from certain industries like energy and agriculture, but wouldn’t that hurt many American families who work in those fields? I am for having the positive effects of providing free community college such as higher wages. However, I question that the plan would only cost $60 billion as according to Paul Mulshine, political writer for states the Newark school system alone costs over $1 billion a year. I strongly agree it is important to uphold the core beliefs we hold as Americans. In the case of providing free to tuition to the rich as equality, perhaps we could uphold other American principals that have made our nation great. These would be giving back to American society when you can afford it, and self-reliance by making those who are wealthy pay for their tuition. I think we can find many things we can agree on and I am confident we can reach a compromise. Your article exposed me to a new ways of thinking on this issue. While I found many of your viewpoints reasonable, I hope you are able to understand my possible concerns or questions about the President Obama’s plan. I think we could come to a compromise that America should adapt a tuition free

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