
Franklin D Roosevelt Perseverance

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In August 1921, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's world was shattered. While at his retreat at Campobello, he was hit with a case of polio that left him paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life ("Franklin Roosevelt"). He was hit with what one would call a major setback, but which he turned into a minor setback before an astonishing presidency. Such an event did not make him a lesser man, it made him a better man and a stronger president. Roosevelt took on the task of being the President of the United States during one of the greatest economic crises' in the world. Despite being disabled, he guided the United States out of the endless black hole that they were in. Perseverance was the characteristic that enabled FDR to overcome extreme …show more content…

The voters wanted to give his plan a try saying "You have given us hope, now give us the bread", which lead to Roosevelt winning the 1933 election against Herbert Hoover taking 42 of the 48 states. On March 4, 1933 he was sworn in as the 32nd president of the United States (51). Roosevelt went to work right away, his first task was to put people back to work and bring relief to the homeless, but before he could do that he needed to do something to stabilize the banks resulting him making a nationwide bank holiday. The bank holiday would close all banks for inspection, two weeks later three-fourths of the banks were reopened (53). Roosevelt wanted to make the Americans feel like they were a partner in the task of running the country, so eight days after he took office he began Sunday evening radio broadcasts from the White House known as fire side chats (54). During these broadcasts he would talk about his course of action, and at the end of each broadcast he would usually say, "Together we cannot fail", (54). This shows how Roosevelt involved the American people and showed them that they are a big part of his plan of relief for the …show more content…

A doctor pronounced FDR dead stating that he had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage or a stroke. He was a man that inspired confidence and was a role model to the Nation. Roosevelts personal courage in overcoming physical handicap and converting tragedy into triumph will always be an inspiration to others. Roosevelt left the United States mourning him, the man who guided them through twelve years of hardship. As author Rebecca Larson says," Regardless of other opinions, all would acknowledge that he had put his own personal stamp and signature on the nation and the world, and neither would ever be the same", for better or for worse no other president had such a deep and lasting impact in the United States like FDR

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