
Federal Budget Analysis

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Reading the Federal Budget The federal budget is a vital part of every country because the future spending totally depends on the number of money earned by the country during the year. The governments create a special commission that is obliged to form a well-established government, with the fair distribution of money. The National Priorities Project (NPP) is a unique non-profit organization that presents the budget system to ordinary citizens and makes it fully transparent and accessible, so everyone who wants can see where do the government collect money, and the spend it during the fiscal year. The two main questions about the federal budget that are important for the overall understanding of economics and the government role in the formation …show more content…

They created a system with numerous taxes and fees that affect every part of human life, so even when somebody buys a little sandwich, some amount of money also goes to the budget. This system of taxes and fees was created with the early establishment of the country and develops from year to year. Sometimes when the government needs more money to spend, they just create an additional tax that will raise enough money. According to the National Priorities Project (NPP), the federal government raises trillions of dollars in tax revenue each year, and for example, during the 2015 fiscal year, the government earned $3.18 trillion. So, the main sources of American budget are taxes and other fees, but they also differ from each other. According to the National Priorities Project (NPP), the three main types of taxes are, income taxes paid by individuals, payroll taxes paid jointly by workers and employers, and corporate income taxes paid by businesses. Between these three types of taxes, the income taxes play the biggest role (near 50%), so it is clear that national budget is formed by ordinary citizens who pay their taxes. Some of the citizens are not satisfied with such distribution and believes, that corporations and business owners should play the biggest role in taxation, while ordinary citizens should pay lower taxes. Despite this controversy, the modern taxation system was formed many years ago, and nowadays it performs well, so there is no direct reason to change

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