
Expository Writing Essay

Good Essays

Expository Writing

I really don't have any idea on where to start this paper, where it should go, and how it should end. It seems that I'm having a slight problem grasping the idea of expository writing. It's like when you were a kid trying to make it all the way across the monkey bars. You want to be able to reach that next rung and you try very hard, but somehow you just can't reach it. I seem to be having that problem. Right now, as I write, I'm not exactly sure I'm reaching the goal of this assignment, but this may be the best that it gets.

All through elementary school, high school, and my freshman year of college, I was taught (and believed it was the only right way) that you must start your paper with a introduction, …show more content…

I have a hard time concentrating on one thing. My mind always seems to wander from one thought to another. Right now, on this beautiful winter day (almost spring-like it seems), I have to wonder what I'm missing out on in life. The decisions I have made so far in my life has shaped who I will become and what I will accomplish. It is hard to imagine that something I did when I was five could play a major role as to where I am today. Kind of makes a person wonder, don't it?

I am very unclear on what exactly expository writing is all about. I have come to understand theme writing, or should I say themewriting, throughout my life writing experiences. It is all I've ever known. Maybe all I ever want to know, but I guess it's a little late for that. It was what was expected from you by all who read and critiqued your papers. You may have not put anything into the paper that was part of you, but you included all that would explain your point and/or purpose for writing that paper.

What techniques, styles, forms, and etc., can get you past the concept of themewriting? Is there one certain way you can propel yourself past this day to day writing that I have become so accustomed to? Do you accomplish this through clarity, voice, complexity or simplicity, or should it convey a meaning? This seems to be the difficulty that I am facing at this point in time. I feel as though I am uncertain on the steps or set of procedures that I should

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