
Examples Of Justice In The Scottsboro Boys

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The scottsboro boys were a group of young black boys on a train.Then they got into a fight with a couple white boys on the train and threw them off . Next two young white woman that were also riding the train said they raped them and sent the boys were sent to court.

The central ideas of justice develop throughout the book by when the boys are first put on trial to when the boys are released or died.Based on the definition of justice and my beliefs justice means that everyone gets the same thing and is treated equally.The scottsboro boys did not receive justice when they were first trialed but in the end they did receive justice and some of the boys were set free. The Scottsboro boys eventually got their pardons but they were long past due …show more content…

This time, however, Judge Horton was removed from the case and replaced with Judge William Callahan, well known for being a traditional, old-school jurist. As Patterson said of Callahan, "He couldn't get us to the chair fast enough." Indeed, Callahan showed his colors when, after the evidence against Patterson was presented to he charged them with the following instructions: “Where the woman charged to have been raped, as in this case, is a white woman, there is a very strong presumption under the law that she will not and did not yield voluntarily to intercourse with the defendant, a Negro. And this is true whatever the station in life the prosecutrix may occupy, whether she be the most despised, ignorant and abandoned woman of the community, or the spotless virgin and daughter of a prominent home of luxury

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