
Example Policy Brief: Water Use in Perth

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Reducing Domestic Water use in Residential Gardens|
Issue and Stakeholder Briefing|


To the desk of Hon. Bill Marmion. Minister for Water and Environment
This policy brief brings to light the issue of household water consumption in Perth, particularly the need to examine the potential for large scale water savings in the domestic sphere. Domestic water use is nearly double that of Melbourne and Brisbane, whilst local water supplies are critically low. This brief summarises the history of water usage in Perth, it accounts culturally for the reasons that we use so much on our gardens. There is a section that outline the dimensions of issue, who is using how much? The benefit that multi-story housing has on water …show more content…

The difference in water usage by income is represented in figure 2.

This point is reinforced by figure 3 which illustrates the increasing percentage of lawn and garden ownership relative to the level of income, with the highest income brackets all having high percentages of ownership. A point of concern is that whilst the relationship between private green space ownership and income exists, there is still a very large portion of the total population consuming water just for gardening purposes.

Figure 4: Reticulation water usage

The final issue of ex-house water usage is the usage of reticulation, and the false perception that its more efficient than hand watering. As shown in figure 4 water usage for automatic reticulation is nearly double that of non-automatic.

The State Government: the state government is the chief authority on the issue of domestic water use, and holds the most influence and power in the issue. The state government is currently a liberal party lead by Collin Barnett. This Stakeholder is the figure head for numerous government agencies, namely the Department of Environment and conservation, the Department of Water and Water Corporation. Whilst the state government maintains a relationship with the commonwealth government on the issue, there tends to

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