
Essay on Evaluation

Decent Essays


I believe that my writing has grown a lot with in this first semester of college. I was the type of person in college that would write a paper, and not review it, and still turn it in. I would usually receive good grades, but that was on the high school level. Those types of under-developed papers do not receive good grades in college. On a paper that I may have turned in to one of my high school teachers would have got me a B, yet if I turn around and use that same paper now, I would receive no more than a D. That is what I believe should happen at this level in the game. You as an individual must recognize your own mistakes, and correct them on your own. In high school many of my teacher’s would grade a …show more content…

For the most part many Religion, and History teachers’ don’t really focus on the grammar of the paper, but it’s content. With me having this English class I have taking it upon my self to try to use correct punctuation, and sentence structures. However, I am not perfect in either one of these aspect of writings I have seen improvement. For example, on my first paper I received a 71% with many red marks, and on my second paper I got a 75% which still a lot of red marks, and on my third paper I earned a 85%. So, it is obvious to see that my papers have been improving. So I have made improvements over the semester

The biggest problem that I have in writing is grammar. This is the worst part of my writing, and it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I find it very hard to know when to use commas to prevent run on sentences. I usually end up putting the commas in places not needed, or don’t place them where they are needed. This is one of the things that I really have never taken the time out to notice, and probably should. The second flaw in my writing is my vocabulary. I don’t really have a large vocabulary because I am a kid who has read few books. My mother always tells me that reading is power, and that’s how you build a large and good vocabulary.

My plans for improving my writing is to first proof read my papers more than once before turning them in for a

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